I am excited about heaven. The idea of going there. That wonderful place being my eternal/temporary/spiritual home. Temporary because we will come back with Jesus to reign a thousand years on earth.
When I saw angels at the age of 9 I was very excited, because Heaven is a real place. It is a planet out there. Way beyond our solar systems. God, my Father, lives there.

Mr Percy Collet describes the journey to Heaven to be at a distance of I think several light years away. Where you journey over several earthly hours at the speed of light. But at a distance you see it's GLORY. It's light shines brighter than anything you've ever seen.
For us, the Children of God there is a welcome like no other. Also described as a landing plane setting, like an airport, where family and friends who have gone ahead come to meet you.
In another testimony, I think of Mary K Baxter, it describes the departure as leaving on some sort of transportation, like a cable car that you find in the ski resorts. Acompanied by angels you set off to Planet Heaven.
Upon arrival you get ready to meet the King of Kings, Lord Jesus, and our Father, the ruler of the Universe, the creator of all there is. He is the center of Heaven. Heaven is built around Him. His light illuminates Heaven.
I have only dreamt about Heaven once, but there are those who have been there on more occasions, by the Grace of God. Some have open visions, but others were taken up to Heaven to actually visit there in their spiritual body. Enoch was even taken in his physical body to Heaven. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4:
"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a man was caught up to the third heaven. And I know how such a man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows—was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak". Many prophets of old had visions of Heaven and Heavenly beings. John on Patmos had visions of Heaven. So it is not uncommon to have "inside" information on Heaven. Eyewitness accounts. For us who have not yet seen with our own eyes it enables us to create an image of what Heaven is like.
It is described by many who have witnessed it, that it is similar to earth. What we have here on earth is there also but far more glorious than we can imagine it. That is not a strange thought when you think about it, because the earth is a shadow of Heaven. But there everything is our Father's and is our's. For pleasure and benefit. God wants us to enjoy our selves without limits. However that does not allow us to sin, because there is no sin in that place. Imagine all sorts of entertaintment that is down there. It is all there except for the sin element.
As time goes by, knowledge is increasing and God is inspiring people to create all these wonderful thing for our pleasure. God wants us to have fun and enjoy ourselves. There is still much more knowledge to come, so imagine Heaven, where the fullness of knowledge resides! What Glories and pleasures must be there for us!!!
I am excited writing this, because my imagination is running overtime and having fun already. Imagine all the amusement parks without the element of death and sin. That is there in heaven without limit for all God's children to enjoy. This is from Katt Kerr's testimony in revealing Heaven. The movie industry that is corrupted here on earth. Imagine that in it's purest form. All the talented people who never got a a chance here. The knowledge came from heaven people. The technique to create movies must be more advanced in heaven. Imagine playing in your favorite movie that Glorifies God with heavenly techniques! You would be the star in your favorite movie. A movie screen that is live at the same time. you participate as an actor in the movie, while your family and friends enjoy your performance. Just emagine that. All is there without the sin element.
For those museum lovers, imagine going to heaven's musea. What a sight. Our Father has created a live museum, where all things are alive and you can witness the story as if it is happening in front of your very eyes. This is from Percy Collet's testimony. I think that is were they must have the idea from to make the movie Night at the Museum.
All of the mountain climbers and nature lovers, imagine Heaven's mountains and nature scenery. If you think the earth is beautiful, imagine what Heaven must be like! This world is temporary. Everything will pass away. Look how beautiful God has created that to enoy. Imagine what in His presence must be like. All precious stones that Father has hid in the earth are exposed in heaven. Nothing is hidden. Imagine that. Streets are made of gold people! Imagine the most sophisticated architecture on earth. The ideas come from heaven. How has the Lord designed our heavenly mansions? They must be glorious. Like not even our wildest imagination can fathom. Imagine Heaven's zoo, all you animal lovers. Even prehistoric animals and animals not of this world. Like those I saw when I was nine years old. I only saw their shadow. They looked like nothing I had ever seen before.

For all the knowledge lovers. imagine Heaven's libraries and books. How glorious! While we here spend lots of time typing or writing something down, imagine words just appearing from our thoughts. Perfect, no editing required. I read that our tears are collected by God, as written in the Psalms 56:8 ",
You number and record my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle–are they not in Your book? are carried up by the angels, and dripped onto blank sheets and these tear drops form words and sentences. A perfect prayer is offered to our Father, all created from our tears. That is why i think that when we are at our deepest and must vulnerable in tears, God listens even more intently because our tears are creating the prayers.
Imagine Heaven's funny mirrors. These don't distort you to some horrible image, but they show you what you would look like if you were born in a different country from a different race! This is from I think Mary K Baxter's book. Just imagine!
I can go on and on and on and on.....
Like Heaven's transportation. Imagine that big place. There are all sorts of ways to move around. This is from a collection of testimonies. There are paths, like the rolling path you find at airports. But these are organic paths of some other beautiful invention. You can fly, you can go by flying chariots that expand with the number of people you want to fly with, There are horses, you can transport at the speed of thought. And soooo much more!

All of this must mean a busy air traphic, and yet all is done most orderly.
Imagine eating in heaven. I read about a large banquet room, where people come and go. They eat all the food that God provides on the table. I have heard of fruits which tasted beyond our comprehension. Heavenly cookies, mana, angel's food. And so much more. There is food, but no decay. So you don't need a toilet.The food provides much more that nutrients. It also imparts knowledge of God's Glory, as I vaguely remember from another testimony. There is so much more that not even all the books on earth could contain if written down. So just imagine. It does not stop there either, because our Father continuously creates more for us. Just imagine....
The Glories of Heaven are beyond our comprehension, but what a place it must be!
I am excited to go there. That is home!! Our true home. It is by no means a boring place as many try to depict in art to make the earth and all it's sin elements sweet and offer it as the only fun we will ever enjoy for dying on this earth. No people, this earth is but a shadow of what there is to come. That which Father has created for our pleasure.
Imagine the music of Heaven. There is music in everything. Even the flowers sing to you as you walk by. Imagine the smells! All perfumes of earth could not recreate that smell. Imagine the colours of heaven. Like nothing ever seen. All the colours we know in their most vibrated way, dancing and praising our Father. Imagine the Joy in that! Then there is the crystal sea in front of the throne in at centre of Heaven. Heaven is truly not a boring place.
I wish that people would get as excited as I do about Heaven and what Father has prepared for us. One day with our Father is as a thousand years on earth. Just imagine all the beauties our Father who is Eternal and the Ancient of Days has created for us, all of this time. There is so much to know about Him that we will get to discover, so that afer being there a thousand Heavenly days, which is like a million earthly years, there will be even more to discover. Even eternity may not be long enough to discover the many hidden things of the Father and heaven!!!
For those who know the book of Enoch, you read how God describes to Enoch where He and His son come from and how they have created as they came through untill they established the Heavens and eventually our earth. Creation did not stop there. As we can read in Revelation, God will destroy it all and create a new Heaven and a new Earth. Imagine that!!! Even Heaven with all it's Glories. When that age comes our Father will do more than we can comprehend. We will be there to partake of all there is to come. Even the new earth. Imagine that. There will be no sea in it.
( Rev. 21:1) All that place for more wondrous creation!
Like the sea is a symbol of rebellion, it will not be there. Creation will start anew in a brand new chapter of the book of the Creator. That itself is a new beginning. Our father is endless and He has created us to partake in his infinity. How wonderful heaven must be. Imagine that!!!!!!!!!