Before I talk about why faith is important I want to look at what faith is.
The bible says that faith is the substance of the things we hope for and the things unseen.
Let start by looking at the substance.( that of which a thing consists; matter or material: form and substance) I guess, without being a scientist, that a substance is the small particles of what something is made from. Lets say the molecules that form the thing.
The molecule. (The smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of the substance and is composed of two or more atoms; a group of like or different atoms held together by chemical forces).
Faith is the substance of the thing, the combining of all the molecules. It is the thing we hope for within us. We don't see it. Therefore faith is the spiritual substance. It is just as real as the DNA of a seed. When you plant that seed in the ground, although you cannot see its interior, you know that seed will grow and be that thing it is programmed by Father to be.
Let's take the seed of an apple.
In its DNA (DNA is said to carry the genetic ‘blueprint’ since it contains the instructions or information. The real physical matter of which a person or thing consists; "DNA is the substance of our genes ) is programmed, the tree, its apples and their seeds. This is what faith is. It is the substance, the DNA that will form the things that it will become.
That is why faith is within us. That which we have faith for is the product, the image of the full grown thing within us. Like the earth is the birthing place for the seed, so is our mouth the birthing place for our faith. With our mouth we confess what our heart believes/sees.
Our inner eyes are like the womb in which our faith grows as we continuously imagine that which we desire. All things have their origin in the unseen. The visible world is created from the unseen. God spoke it into being. God is challenging us to do the same - to grow faith and speak it forth.
Many people are disappointed because they have done what they were told through confess and possess preaching, but they have not been taught to grow faith, before confessing it. I am not claiming I am there yet either, but I have come to realise that the confess and possess theory has not worked for me either. The Word of our Father says that, "We desire but have not, we ask but receive not." What does this mean? Because it also says that, "When you ask you should believe that you have received it and it shall be yours". Is this a casual believing or is it the belief that comes from the faith? The absolute certainty that has grown within us? Like the absolute certainty of the interior of an apple seed.
I must admit that I don't have faith for a lot of things, because they are not within me. I cannot see them with my spiritual eyes. The eyes of my imagination. But the things I do have faith for I can see with the eyes of my imagination. It then does not matter if I own them right now or not. I know I already have them. It is just a matter of time before i will see them materialise. Like that seed that is planted in the ground; or the baby growing in the mother's womb.
So Faith is not some casual word that we can throw at anything and it will automatically work for us. Faith needs to be cultivated and grown and when it is complete it will bring forth that which is in it.
Doubt is not a part of faith. As long as doubt exists within us for something, that thing will not come forth. Our father says when you ask and doubt it will be as the ocean that produces waves, unstable. "But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind " James 1:6. Waves are also a symbol of rebellion. the going against that which God has said. (rebellion is organised resistance or opposition to a government or other authority) If God promises to provide for us from His Glory, which He does, "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus" Phil 4:19 but we then doubt, we are actually telling Him we don't believe him, we don't trust him. How is that pleasing to God? But when we have faith, it means we have no doubt. We believe that we have what we have asked for, that it is a done deal. Like the Word states, because without faith it is impossible to please God or to even receive from God.
When we accept Jesus, because we believe, in that moment we are absolutely sure of Him and that which he has done for us. We do not doubt. That is the moment we have faith and our spirit is reborn. Well so it is too with whatever we birth from the spirit through faith. It comes from that place of absolute certainty.
You will probable now have the question, so how do I grow this faith? This complete faith without doubt. Well faith comes from God. It is God's faith. It is not our faith. It makes sense because God is the creator of everything. He has the substance of everything. He gives us faith. This is were the Holy Spirit comes in. From our self we don't have faith. The Holy Spirit helps us to build that faith. The very substance is given to us by the Spirit of God. That is why praying in heavenly tongues is so important. Like Paul says, it builds up our most holy faith. "But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit"Jude 1:20 . I believe we who desire more of Father should surrender to the Holy Sipirt and allow him to pray to the Father for us, building up our most Holy faith, even if we don't understand what He is saying. I also believe that when we are in prayer in tongues, when we are tuning into our spirit we may detect what the spirit is praying. We might not know the details, but we may have flashing images of things, sceneries, maybe even of people or a situation. Most times we just utter the syllables that come forth. After a while we see things form and we get ideas, promptings or we get aware of giftings etc.
Faith is the substance of things unseen. It contains the creatieve power of Father. Father wants us to create with Him. He made us in His image. From time to time when we have faith for something and we go for it, we work it out one step at a time. We are in the creatieve process of seeing something come to being, that first was not. That which is now comes from the unseen; grown in someone's imagination and grown and nourished to what it is now.
This is why faith is important. It is that thing we hope for in its spiritual form. Although we don't see it with our physical eyes, we know with certainty that we have it because it is just as real.
Those preachers who say just confess and this will produce that which you want are fooling the masses, because they don't teach to first posses that thing we hope for within us and many leave empty and disappointed. God's word is true and if we look at how God works we can rest and trust Him more. God does not just drop something from the sky. Like a baby in the mother's womb, there is an order of things that takes time, before you see the baby born. Then there is the nourishing part, the teaching part, the growing, testing, failing, maturing... Although we don't see the baby yet, we know for certain it is in the mother.
Romans 10:17 states: "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
Those preachers who say just confess and this will produce that which you want are fooling the masses, because they don't teach to first posses that thing we hope for within us and many leave empty and disappointed. God's word is true and if we look at how God works we can rest and trust Him more. God does not just drop something from the sky. Like a baby in the mother's womb, there is an order of things that takes time, before you see the baby born. Then there is the nourishing part, the teaching part, the growing, testing, failing, maturing... Although we don't see the baby yet, we know for certain it is in the mother.
Romans 10:17 states: "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
I think this process is like the Holy Spirit praying to the father and translates to our spirit. Who then translates it to our soul in the form of thoughts, and ideas; this then grows within us, until it is matured and then it is released by our mouth and actions. There is a process involved in seeing that which God has for us come to pass. I have had to learn this the hard way! But by the grace of God, I know He is in control and I also know that I can honestly say what I have faith for and what I do not. I depend on Him.
So I continue to pray in tongues and I am excited about what God has in store for my life. His word says we will walk in the works He has propared for us. So I want to yield more to the Spirit, to bring in me what God has for me...
God bless!!!
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