Sunday, 16 December 2012

The Doorway of Hope

" There I will give her vineyards back to her and make the Valley of Achor into a gateway of hope. There she will respond as she did in the days of her youth, as in the day she came out of the land of Egypt " Hosea 2:15

This is such an amazing promise to all children of God.  However there is so much that can be said about this because I believe there is a red cord that ties all promises in the bible together. It is like before you can have one you have to do the other. Every promise is linked to another. I believe it takes many stages of growth  on our part before we will see these promises manifest. God promises to do something but it does not mean that we just lay back and see it happen. I always wondered about that. The Word says this, but my life shows that..and I ask why my life is not in line with the Word. I will try to explain how I now understand that all promises are linked and it takes action on our part.

We have to remember that we are Spirit first and then flesh. The invisible comes first and then the visible.
The state of mind comes first and then the action. The first battle ground and valley there is, is that of our mind. First we are defeated in our mind and then this defeat is seen in our life. We have to guard our heart and mind with the word otherwise we will be defeated in life.We don't have a physical valley of trouble but it is visible in our life's circumstances. Also the doorway of Hope has many layers.
First of all is that God gives it. He gives it by faith. In your heart and mind you know "It is done." When we have prayed for something we know in our heart that God has heard and answered our prayer.
The second layer for me is based on other promises in the Word "It is written." Because you know it is written you also know that God has already said "YES".  For example, you can pray for healing, but you can also say,  Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed
 "Isa 53:4-5.

So it is written, so it is done.

This scripture will turn your valley of Achor in your healing into a doorway of hope, if that is what God intends for you.
If a situation you find yourself in is designed by God for your growth then it will be as He leads, but if a situation is caused by our enemy, it changes when we overcome with the word and the power of our testimony.

The doorway of hope is also found in the verse “In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.”  Phill 4:6

Thanksgiving is the doorway of Hope. When we give thanks we demonstrate our faith in God; that it is done, according to His Word. We show our trust in Him. And He does say that without trust ( faith) it is impossible to please Him. And in fact we receive nothing ( in our heart first). The Lord Jesus performed many miracles, but in the places where the people did not believe He could not do any. Although they needed healing they did not receive it.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

So God gives the doorway of Hope, but we have to enter it. It takes action on our part othewise we will stay in the valley of Achor with the doorway in front of us. I have the image of a doorway that opens in this dimension and leads to another dimention but the door is made from glass. The password is: THANKSGIVING.

When we enter that door with thanksgiving we then start to adjust the eyes of our mind to the new sorroundings. Our mind gets renewed and this has effect on our physical life. We are seated with Christ in the Heavenlies in the spirit and in the physical we walk on earth.
" for as he thinks within himself, so he is"..Prov 23:7.

From our mind (thinking), to our heart ( believing)  to our mouth ( confessing), to our reality ( salvation)
"For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."Rom 10:10 
Many people pray for a lot of things God has already said "YES" to. In these last days we have to step up our game. We have to get familiar with God's "YES" in order to have "the power of our testimony." When we have experienced something once it is easier to experience it again. It becomes our natural state. The supernatural becomes Natural. We need this state of mind and heart to see the promises that God has made to manifest. There are still so many promises unrealised. The greatest manifest of power has yet to happen. How will we see if our hearts are blind?
The rest of the teaching I leave to the Holy Spirit in your heart. May He enlighten the eyes of your understanding.

God Bless!!!

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