“The leech has two daughters, ‘Give! Give!’ they cry!"
Other translation reads "greed has two sisters" .
Last night, after I had spoken to the Lord, this scripture came to my mind and suddenly I felt a flow of thoughts I had to write down. I will try to write the flow as accurate as I felt it. I believe it is a Word from the Lord.
Even after almost 14 years of being saved i still don't know how to pray properly. Or rather I know, I just don't do it, because I can get so overwhelmed with my desires, or situations that we face, so the majority of my prayers are in the line of "give, give".
It is really annoying to hear "give give", every time someone speaks to you. Like that is the only thing you are good for. Whenever they spent time with you, it is because they want something from you. But I now realise that The Lord finds this just as annoying if all we ask for is stuff to satisfy our flesh. When the Lord hears all prayers and thoughts, He wants to answer, but we constantly ask for stuff that is perishable, instead of values that we can take back home or ask for the nations.
Here it goes....
“The leech has two daughters.
‘Give! Give!’ they cry
This is how many of us pray. Small minded, like the Lord does not know what we need or desire.
The Lord's Prayer is filled with much more. Yes, we can pray for our daily bread, but The Lord already provides for us daily.
We chase after our desires, our materialistic desires, when we could and should be praying for so much more.
The Lord hears our prayers. Every word, every thought. We could be, should be asking for the nations. The Lord tells us to. Instead of chasing after our desires.
In the Psalms, which are David's devotional time recorded, do we read of his materialistic desires mentioned? Like "God give me a new this or that"?
We see his plea for salvation from his enemies. This is also a part of the Lord's Prayer, to "deliver us from evil".
We see his expression for loving God's laws and regulations. This also applies the Lord's prayer. "Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven".
David was a blessed man. He lacked nothing, for the Lord blessed him.
If that were not enough, He would have blessed him more.
David spent time with God. He documented his prayers.
We don't even have time to write a letter to God.
Because David documented his devotional time, we now have his words, which are actually God's inspired words through him.
In a smaller way just like I am doing now.
David knew that it is the Lord's blessing that maketh rich, and He adds no sorrow with it. This blessing is a product/result of the Lord's presence.
The Lord's presence is sought and found when we spent time in prayer, in His Word or in worship. When we are mindful of Him all the time.
This will cause us to do what pleases Him. We will do His righteousness.
The Lord is a Holy God. His presence dwells with righteousness.
David knew how to seek God's kingdom and His righteousness (living upright in His sight).
As a result, David was blessed. Everything was added to him.
David was not busy seeking after his materialistic desires in just food, shelter and clothing.
After this I flowed in to how I see God's names in a lot of His promises. Even in the Lord's Prayer the Lord's names are revealed.
I then said to the Lord, "Father it is like I see your name in everything." Then I had the thought, "That is because My promises are steadfast".
I will share His names in a new blog, as the Lords leads.
For now, this was my prayer last night and is today, but I also pray this for you....
Father, please help me to bring Glory to You in everything I do.
Please help me to serve You and walk worthy of the calling.
God Bless!!
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