Wednesday, 9 September 2015

First the tares will be removed from the church, the great falling away..

Dear friends,
We read of the great falling away in 2Thess 2:3.."Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction."
What does this mean?.. This means that first will the tares be removed from the church before the GREAT harvest comes in.
Isiah 60:1-3
Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.
The Gentiles shall come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.
If we realy want to walk with the Lord like Enoch did and belong to the Church of the Lord, we will receive GRACE/ ENERGIZING from the Lord to do this. Tares can change to wheat. With the Lord anything is possible.
God Bless!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Wheat & tares..

Dear Friends,
Wheat & tares...
Look how the wheat and tares look alike. 
BUT the tares have no consistancy and stands up straight with pride. Proud and useless. Maybe not even realising that its fruits are not eatible. That is why the tare is only fit to be burned.
Whereas the wheat is lushes with consistancy and full nourishing eatible fruits. But also humbly bents it self as it gives Glory to the one who will eat from its fruits. Therefore it will be gathered together in the sowers barn.
One has a golden glow of Glory the other a dark presence...
That is why those in the church can be compared to these.. one is from the Kingdom of light, the other belongs to the kingdom of darkness although they have mixed together for so long.
The time for separation has come..Let us therefor work out our salvation with fear and trembling ( Phill 2:12) for our God is a comsuming fire. Heb 12:29
The word of God is the standard by which we are judged..Isa 66:2
It is the Word that purifies us and separates old nature from new nature..
To love the Word and put it first is to Love the Lord and put Him first...
Dont be religious or follow religious culture as its demonicly inspired and has no union with the Lord and no power to save. Col 2:8-10 & Col 2::23
Isa 60:1
Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. 2"For behold, darkness will cover the earth And deep darkness the peoples; But the LORD will rise upon you And His glory will appear upon you..
God Bless!

Strange doctrine...

Dear friends,
There is a doctrine out there that says. Jesus and the cross are not the gospel the Kingdom is...hmmmmm...
Imagine this:.. I have a best friend. And I want to introduce him to you. Would I start with telling you about what he can do for you or would I tell you about his person, how we met and Why I love him so much?
When I do introduce the Lord I love to start at Adam to fully explain from the beginning..
The Lord himself pointed to the Father as the Gospel and not just to what the Father Could do for us. But we are not gold diggers. We seek the giver not the gift.
Jesus says.. to know the Father is eternal life. And to know the one He send. And Jesus came so that we have life and life more abundandly. In him we inherit the Kingdom. And all Earthly things for life are given to us. He did not say to know the kingdom is eternal life..the Word says God so loved the world He gave His son. And Not.. He so loved the world he gave us the inheritance of his son, the Kingdom.
Those who follow the Lord only for food, clothing and shelter...are not different than those who followed because of the bread they ate from the couple of fish and bread and after they were full wanted to make Him King.
We follow the Lord and have intimate fellowship with him because we LOVE HIM. We delight ourself in Him Not FROM Him. Because in HIM we live and move and have our being.
There is still much that can be said about this but.. but for now..
God bless!

God is able to locate us...

Dear friends,
I believe someone needs to hear this.
Before falling asleep I was asking in my heart how the Lord will provide for me. As my live and times are changing..
Then I had a dream.. I saw myself in the future needing a certain provision like money and fuel. I was with a friend and he put a tube in the ground and out of it came pouring ready made fuel. We can tank up and fill barrels to sell to others...
This reminded me of the story of the widows who got provided for during the times of Elisha.
Meaning of the dream.. God hears the concerns of our heart. And He is reassuring me/us that He has no problem providing for me/us. Even when situations may look impossible. He can even cause a rock to travel with me in the dessert to provide me water...He is more than capable.
Ps 37:4, I delight myself in the Lord and He gives me the desires of my heart..
God bless.

Good ground..

Dear friends,
It is important how we receive the word of the Lord. The word that disciplines, confronts, corrects, encourages, builds up, or comforts us. The spoken or the written word.
These words that energise our faith & help us change are spoken to us by servants of the Lord or the lord himself trough the spoken or written Word. Words that are Spirit and life. ( spoken by a servant not a hireling. A shepard not a wolf).
1Thess 5: 11-14...Therefore, encourage each other, and build each other up - just as you are doing. We ask you, brothers, to respect those who are working hard among you, those who are guiding you in the Lord and confronting you in order to help you change. Treat them with the highest regard and love because of the work they are doing.
If we receive these as only words, as human words, we don't receive the energising of there power, the work of the Holy Spirit and total conviction. This power that can cause us the change and grow. 1thess. 1:4-5 & 1Thess 2:13.
This change/clean up done in us is done to us by God unto God who has reconciled us in Christ to himself to present us before himself without defect or blame. 1Col 1:21-23.
Let us therefore receive the words of the Lord with a hungry and humble heart so that we can fully benefit from its work.
God Bless!

Are we still hungry for the Lord?

Dear friends,
Today I have this image of dirt cookies. People in Haiti eat this to still their hunger. It is a known fact that also in Africa people eat clay to still their hunger. If you have a pica wanting clay than you till something else. Some other craving your body has. Point is..clay is used as a substitute..
This reminded me of what we spiritually do. We still true spiritual hunger with a substitute. Something that does not nourish.
Our spiritual hunger is a blessing from the Lord, Because only if we are truly hungry enough for Him will we be satisfied by Him.
Matt. 5:6. Because we will not settle with a substitute.
This hunger in us He wants to satisfy with a meal He prepared for us. He wants to dine with us. And we with him. We cannot offer the Lord dirt matter how rich or well polished we are in the natural. If we are not truly connected and satified by the Lord, we have a different spiritual state then we think we have. Rev. 3:14-21.
We have to examine our selfs.
* Do we truly desire the manifestation of the Lord as he promised in John 14?
* Do truly love His word enough not to compromise?
* Our we dying to self so He can live trough us?
*Are we willing to follow Him wherever He leads. To the dessert or valley of death?
* Do we, like Paul, count it all loss. In order to gain -intimacy with- the Lord... etc.
What are we fulling our hunger with or has been stilled so we no longer feel it?
My prayer for this nation that the lord will cause water to run through the desert of our heart. Isa. 41:18. So it becomes fertility ground again. With a true spiritual hunger only He can satisfy. So we truly receive the seed of His Word and produce eatible fruits and not dirts cookies...
Only if we truly hunger and thirst after the Lord will we eat at His table.
God bless!