Dear friends,
Today I have this image of dirt cookies. People in Haiti eat this to still their hunger. It is a known fact that also in Africa people eat clay to still their hunger. If you have a pica wanting clay than you till something else. Some other craving your body has. Point is..clay is used as a substitute..
This reminded me of what we spiritually do. We still true spiritual hunger with a substitute. Something that does not nourish.
Our spiritual hunger is a blessing from the Lord, Because only if we are truly hungry enough for Him will we be satisfied by Him.
Matt. 5:6. Because we will not settle with a substitute.
Matt. 5:6. Because we will not settle with a substitute.
This hunger in us He wants to satisfy with a meal He prepared for us. He wants to dine with us. And we with him. We cannot offer the Lord dirt matter how rich or well polished we are in the natural. If we are not truly connected and satified by the Lord, we have a different spiritual state then we think we have. Rev. 3:14-21.
We have to examine our selfs.
* Do we truly desire the manifestation of the Lord as he promised in John 14?
* Do truly love His word enough not to compromise?
* Our we dying to self so He can live trough us?
*Are we willing to follow Him wherever He leads. To the dessert or valley of death?
* Do we, like Paul, count it all loss. In order to gain -intimacy with- the Lord... etc.
* Do we truly desire the manifestation of the Lord as he promised in John 14?
* Do truly love His word enough not to compromise?
* Our we dying to self so He can live trough us?
*Are we willing to follow Him wherever He leads. To the dessert or valley of death?
* Do we, like Paul, count it all loss. In order to gain -intimacy with- the Lord... etc.
What are we fulling our hunger with or has been stilled so we no longer feel it?
My prayer for this nation that the lord will cause water to run through the desert of our heart. Isa. 41:18. So it becomes fertility ground again. With a true spiritual hunger only He can satisfy. So we truly receive the seed of His Word and produce eatible fruits and not dirts cookies...
Only if we truly hunger and thirst after the Lord will we eat at His table.
God bless!
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