Saturday, 20 August 2011

God deals with the other master.

Ps. 30: 7-8 Once i was prosperous and used to say, that nothing could ever shake me - when you showed me favour, Adonai, I was firm as a mighty mountain. But when you hid your face, i was struck with terror.
Ps. 30:11 Hear me Adonai, and show me your favor! Adonai, be my helper!
Ps; 29:11, May Adonai give strength to his people! May Adonai bless his people with shalom.

A cry from someone in a desert experience. My observations of God's dealings with us when we wanted to live more for Jesus, but were living more for ourself.

I woke up this morning feeling very frustrated at the present situation. I started putting every thought in order on paper. I could now more clearly see the way out of the frustration. I opened my bible and read the verses mentioned above.
I immediately thought of both Job and Joseph, and how true it is when God "removes" His hand from our life, when he leads us through desert places.

People who are in a settled place (before or after their desert) have an easy time speaking of God's provision because God's hand is covering them, Job 1:10; YOU have put a protective hedge around him; his house and everything he has. You have prospered his work, and his live stock are spread out all over the land.
Just like it is easy to say God is good when all goes well.
Many might not be as spread out as Job, but nevertheless, they are protected and blessed to enjoy the product of their effort. However, many of us, do not realise how God has placed us, and in our heart we long for more and are never satisfied. We dont give ourself time to just enjoy what we have and be grateful. But God moves on with us. He will not wait for us to be ready. When His cloud moves you move. All who are in this season of life should enjoy it while it lasts as it might not be forever. Only God knows the road ahead for those who desire more of God. Who ask God to break them.

God knowing the heart of men will deal with us. Many have been blinded and walk after prosperity preachers only enriching them while themselves becoming more poor. We try to buy the blessings of God by doing what these preachers ask, send them money to purchase an extra bit of the message they just preached. Forgetting that whatever gift they have received is for the benefit of the church and not their own pockets.
However we cannot do both, long for God and long for the world. We want more of God while we are filled with the world. All that will remain is that what really matters and that which God wants to give (back).

Could it be that God is striking the people who are running after this gospel with more frustration? Because God never promised an easy ride. Not even the men after God's heart got it the easy way. First there was a stripping off. They had to leave all they had, or it was taken away from them, to the point of a death wish. Trials and testing took many years. All we can do is hope in God and learn to say God is good. The more we long for the things of this world the more God will take away from us. Those willing to follow him but are tied to this world. He will bring us to the place where we say..
I will rejoice and be glad in your grace, for you see my affliction, you know how distresssed i am. ps 31;8

Sometimes it is frustrating to listen to prosperity preachers, because they are in the place of easy speaking. They are not in the place of distress. Having said that, we dont know what they have gone through.
Well all there is left to say is we cannot serve two masters. In the people who are willing to lay it all down, God will deal with the other master in us. While still in the desert we say....
because you are my strength; Into your hands I commit my spirit; you will redeem me Adonai, God of truth.

For those who love to read, here is a deeper explenation of  What and why the desert expierience is .

God Bless!!!

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